The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery™

The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery™

The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery™

by Carolyne Sidhu Anthony, founder of The Centre For Women’s Fitness



Diastasis recti is commonly known as a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles. It would seem to indicate that the problem lies within the structure of this set of muscles and not the integration of the body as a whole. However, the separation could be viewed as the final stage of this condition and may be the physical testament to a process of fascial, bony and muscular misalignment and dysfunction.

In order to see this progression, we need to look beyond just the abdominal musculature.

The rectus abdominus has been the culprit of diastasis recti forever. Exercises that activate this muscle – crunches, sit ups, Pilates roll up, one hundred etc; have been contraindicated for this condition. However, the exercises themselves are not the villains but the way in which they are executed may be.

Duration: 6 hours

Course Description

The program offers a series of deep stabilizing exercises with progressions that will allow you to progress towards your regular exercise program, if that is your goal. The deep understanding of the working of your body will ensure the prevention of a recurrence of this condition.

Course Objectives

  • To learn about what diastasis recti is, how it occurs and how to facilitate recovery.
  • To understand the role of the pelvic floor and fascial connections
  • To understand how to prevent it from occurring.
  • To understand how to correctly perform exercises that have been traditionally contraindicated for this condition
  • To learn application of simple exercises to aid in the recovery of this condition.

Course Outline

  • History of Diastasis Recti and the exercise boom
  • Anatomy of the anterior and posterior abdominal wall
  • Anatomy of the pelvic floor
  • Fascial connections through the pelvic floor and abdominals
  • Myofascial release techniques for healing diastasis recti
  • Breathing techniques
  • Understanding muscle connections using the breath
  • Simple exercises and progression for a lifetime of connection


This course had ended.


FEES: S$650 (inclusive of course manuals)


Early bird special S$600 before 31 March 2016