Aging with Spinal Asymmetry in the Fascia-Focused Pilates Environment

A Brand New Pilates for Scoliosis Course by Dr. Suzanne Martin

12 – 14 May 2023


Course Description

When does aging begin? While Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis are often assumed to be an adolescent phenomenon, many clients seek relief through movement education during the adult phases of pregnancy years, change of life years and the older adult years. In fact, both the UN and WHO predict a doubling global rise in adults older than 60 years from 11% in 2019 to 22% by 2050. Evidence points to the controversy of surgical correction in especially older adulthood. At any age, Pilates helps.

Aging with Spinal Asymmetry, or any asymmetry, requires intentional movement education by Pilates instructors for effectiveness. Changes due to student years, childbirth, change of life, injuries, and illnesses such as arthritis and cancer, magnify the imbalances and compensatory patterns, greatly impacting physicality throughout the life cycle. Fascial, neurologic, hormonal, and musculoskeletal aging effects begin to define one’s functionalities, greatly limiting the fullness of lives.

The Pilates environment is particularly well suited to address the needs of the hypermobile, post-partum asymmetrical mom, those in the mid-life menopausal/”mano-pausal” phase along with the increasingly fragile older adult.

Dynamic stability, balance, and phase appropriate mobility and strength requirements create fluid challenges for Pilates instructors.

Learn about the life phases, the implications for skeletal, fascial tissue and neurologic changes. Learn how to recognize and adapt to the shifting nature of asymmetry in each phase of adulthood.

This evidence-informed course addresses the differing approaches necessary to successfully focus on the often overlooked and unknown impact on the young adult, the connective tissue looseness of the pre-natal and post-partum phase, the delicate play between spine stability and mobility for each phase, and neurologic/fascial implications for balance and gait promotion, especially for the older adult.

Learn not only about how to identify and help avoid spinal asymmetry progression, but also the three spinal conditions known to encourage disability and pain with age. Learn how to apply the principles of form and fascial force closure for structural integrity. Theoretical, Mat and Apparatus work are included.

Who Should Attend This Course

This course is well suited for physiotherapists and practitioners of movement modalities like Pilates, Gyrotonic, yoga and personal training.
This course also aims to impart practical knowledge and exercises that would be beneficial to all clients, not just scoliotic cases.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  1. Better understand how and why the adult phases of life impact those with spinal asymmetry
  2. Better understand and explain the fascial implications associated with each phase
  3. Learn to identify the changes in each phase: fascial, gravitational, musculoskeletal, neurological, and emotive
  4. Better understand the essential spinal elements that create disability with age
  5. Learn to adapt the Pilates environment for each phase
  6. Learn spinal asymmetry specific exercises and interventions suited for each phase

About Dr Suzanne Martin

Dr. Suzanne Clements Martin is a doctor of physical therapy, a gold-certified Pilates expert, a certified ACSM exercise physiologist, certified manual therapist as well as an award-winning author and video producer. She has authored 3 fitness books with Dorling Kindersley, and wrote columns for Dance Magazine and Dance Studio Life for a decade. Look for her recent publication, Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis, published by Handspring Publishing. She is presently working on a collaborative authorship with Elizabeth Larkam on connective tissue and hypermobility.

Dr. Martin has over 40 years of teaching experience in the health and movement fields, blending art and science into her instruction. As a performing arts specialist, she conducted nutrition seminars for the School of the San Francisco Ballet and has been the lead physical therapist for Smuin Contemporary Ballet in San Francisco for over 25 years. Through Pilates Therapeutics LLC, she provides instructional videos, virtual training, and mentored advanced Master qualification programs in the therapeutic application of the Pilates Method in topics of spinal asymmetry, cancer restoration, foot health and performing arts enhancement. For more information, email Dr. Martin at or visit

A lifelong learner, she recently completed certifications in Pelvic Health with the American Physical Therapy Association, Schroth Scoliosis Specific Exercise in the Barcelona tradition and Trigger Point Dry Needling Certification with Myopain Seminars.

For further information, go to

Pilates Therapeutics




12 – 14 May 2023

Friday to Sunday
9:00am – 4:00pm daily


Course Fee:

S$1,600 Regular Price

Valid until 10 May or when course becomes full, whichever comes first



Core Fitness Physiotherapy & Pilates

583 Orchard Road, Forum Office Tower #05-04, Singapore 238884